Cafelat Robot - frequently asked questions

Cafelat Robot - frequently asked questions

The Cafelat Robot is a lever coffee machine that is easy to use and maintain. It has a simple design and works like a professional espresso machine, but without electricity. The Cafelat Robot is for people who want to be in control of the whole coffee-making process.

It is simple to use, but you will need to spend some time getting used to how it works. In this article, we will look at the most common problems and how to solve them.

Coffee comes out too quickly = low pressure (extraction time less than 15 seconds).

  • The most common problem is the grind size . The coffee is ground too coarsely. Grind the coffee finer to achieve an extraction time of 25-35 seconds .

  • An insufficient amount of coffee can also be a problem. Use at least 15g of ground coffee, and for small amounts of coffee, it is recommended to use a paper filter .

  • Freshness. When preparing coffee, the freshness of the coffee is a very important part. Try to use freshly roasted coffee.

  • Packaged ground coffee - if for some reason you would like to use packaged ground coffee, you need to choose the so-called " pressurized basket ", which we offer as an optional accessory for purchase.

  • The water is not hot enough - use water just before boiling point.

  • Clean and reinstall the piston seal or replace it with a new one.

  • If you have the barista version, check to make sure the metal tube is not pinched or damaged.



Too little coffee comes out of the coffee machine = long extraction time.

  • The most common issue is that the grind is too fine. The coffee maker is unable to develop enough pressure. Gradually change the grinder setting to a coarser setting until you find the right grind.

  • Reduce the amount of coffee you drink. The recommended maximum is 21 g.

  • Not enough pressure is being applied to the arms of the coffee maker. Use more force to push the arms of the coffee maker. When applying pressure, press on the arms, not the top of the arm , to create a better lever. The arms will help with a better grip for the Cafelat Robot .

  • Insufficient water. Fill the basket approximately 5 mm below the edge.


When choosing a coffee grinder for the Cafelat Robot, it is important to make sure that the coffee is ground finely and evenly, as this manual espresso machine is very sensitive to the quality of the grind. Cafelat Robot can create pressure similar to that of a professional espresso machine (around 9 bars), so you need a grinder that can grind the coffee finely and evenly. Avoid grinders that don't grind the coffee evenly.

The 1Zpresso J-Ultra is a great grinder designed for espresso grinding. If you prefer an electric coffee grinder, the Fellow Ode Electric Grinder is a great choice.


Which colour should you choose?

We've placed the robots next to each other so that it's easier for you to choose. The most popular colours are retro green and matte black. All colours except matte black have a glossy finish.
When choosing a specific colour, we recommend viewing the entire photo gallery on the product details page. The last photo in the gallery is taken outdoors in daylight.


The beauty of using a manual coffee maker is that you have complete control over the extraction , you can change the pressure and flow rate as you wish. One of the most important stages of the extraction process is the so-called pre-infusion stage. This is the process of moistening the coffee before the actual extraction process, which takes place under much higher pressure. This results in a more consistent and even extraction. Immediately after the pre-infusion, the actual extraction takes place.

After securing the portafilter, allow the robot arms to gently lower under their own weight. Hold them gently with your fingers to keep them under control. If the arms remain upright, gently press them down and begin a 5-second pre-infusion.


Water flows from the top of the portafilter during preparation.

  • The basket is full of water - fill the water approximately 5-8 mm below the edge
  • The piston seal is not seated properly - make sure it is seated evenly. Run your thumb and forefinger over it several times to ensure it is seated properly. The flat side faces up, the side with the V-shaped edge faces down. Remove the seal and apply the silicone grease (DOW 111) provided. Then re-install the seal.
  • Never let the robot arms fall by themselves. Make sure to push both arms evenly. Only then will the bottom of the V-shaped seal expand and seal properly.
  • A problem can occur if more pressure is applied to only one arm. Apply equal pressure to both arms.

The coffee is not hot enough.

  • Like any mechanical coffee maker without a boiler and preheating, the Cafelat Robot ideally needs to be preheated before use.
  • A silicone plug can be used for preheating.


The pressure gauge shows very low pressure or is not working.

  • Insufficient pressure – apply more pressure when pushing the coffee maker’s arms. When applying pressure, press on your arms, not your upper arms
  • increase/decrease coffee dose to 16g
  • If the coffee is ground too coarsely, it will offer little resistance and it will not be possible to create the required pressure.
  • Check the hydraulic circuit for leaks, you should see water droplets or hear air hissing somewhere along the tube. If you notice that the metal tube/sleeve and plastic hose are compressed, damaged or broken, please contact us. This damage is not covered by the warranty. However, we have spare parts available for purchase.
  • It is unlikely, but possible, that the pressure gauge is faulty. In that case, please contact us.


The top screw is not fully tightened and seems too loose.

  • This part is designed not to be fully tightened . It is important to understand how this affects use and how to address the situation:
    • The top screw cannot be fully tightened to allow free movement of the arms during extraction. It is important that the arms can move smoothly without unnecessary resistance.
    • Make sure the arms and piston move smoothly and without any noticeable "rocking" or unstable feeling. The screw should be tight enough to hold the arms in place but still allow them to move freely.
    • Tighten the screw gently with the tool, but remember that the arms must still move freely. Do not tighten the screw so that it prevents them from moving smoothly.
    • Tightening the screw too tightly may cause the paint near it to crack.


The portafilter and plunger seem to be loose. The basket is wobbling in the portafilter.

  • Yes, it's normal for the filter basket in the portafilter to not be firmly attached and to move a bit. This design is intentional and has practical reasons. It allows the piston and basket to adjust to each other and create a proper seal.
  • The basket moving around in the portafilter is normal and nothing to worry about. The Cafelat Robot is designed to work with this movement without affecting the quality of the espresso.

There is a gap at the edge of the stainless steel cover tube, through which you can see the high-pressure hose.

  • The metal cover tube is there just to make the robot look nice. It helps the robot arms to move, but it is only connected to the robot body. So, you might be able to see a small part of the high-pressure hose from the pressure gauge side. This is normal and does not mean there is a problem with how the robot was made.

I can't insert the portafilter.

  • Check that the piston seal is installed correctly.

  • Make sure you raise both arms as high as possible when trying to secure it.

  • Lift Portafilter up before moving the portafilter to the right.

  • After a certain period of time, it is necessary to lubricate the piston seal with a food-grade silicone grease. A thin layer is sufficient to make the seal shiny. We recommend using Dow 111 grease.




The robot is wobbly. Some fasteners appear to be loose.

  • After you have used it for a while or moved it around, you might need to tighten the top screw or screws under the base. This is a common and very simple maintenance task.

The Cafelat logo sticker is coming off.

  • This can happen more easily on the matte black Robot because of its powder coating. Just press the sticker into place. If it still comes off, use a heat gun or super glue to stick the sticker back on. If the sticker still won't stick, contact us and we'll send you a replacement. :-)

The surface of the coffee maker is not perfect.

  • Cafelat Robot is produced in small batches and its parts are processed and assembled manually. This process may lead to slight differences in the finish of individual coffee machines.
  • The main structure Cafelat Robot is made of powder-coated aluminum . The aluminum may show minor aesthetic imperfections (e.g. small bumps or microscopic scratches), which do not affect its functionality or durability.
  • The powder coating used for the surface treatment is durable and practical, but may contain minor imperfections, especially when applied by hand - small black dots, small dents or bumps. This type of finish is chosen for its durability and resistance to everyday wear and tear. If you notice any damage to your Robot after unpacking it from the box that goes beyond normal minor aesthetic defects, please contact us.
  • To avoid scratching the Robot's paint while using it, do not put the ceramic cup directly on the stand. Instead, use the silicone mat that is included with the Robot to protect the stand from any drips and keep the Robot itself clean.


More tutorials, tips and tricks:

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